Wednesday 6 October 2010

Bleak House

You know that I am a Primary School teacher. I love my job. But, I have started to wonder whether my slightly dark and morbid nature is healthy for my class. My selection of topics to study this term has not exactly been twee Beatrix Potter flopsy bunnies. So far we have:

  • written diary entries about the apocalyptic eruption of Krakatoa and the ensuing tidal wave. Oh yes, diary entries that describe the days of darkness, the black wall of water that washed away 36,000 people, the floating carcasses, the blood red lava of the volcano.
  • written a newspaper report about the tragic Easington pit disaster (as part of our coalmining topic). Eighty one miners and two rescuers buried alive.
  • started a new class novel, Kaspar, Prince of Cats. Awwwww. A story about a sleek and wily pussy cat. That can't be too grim, can it? Poor Kaspar. The only cat on the Titanic.
Hmmm. Maybe I need to lighten the mood a little. I am just not sure I know how.

1 comment:

  1. The sooner that the kiddies realise that life is tough...the better. Don't want to fool them into a false sense of security, eh? Now, I propose that you move onto something a little lighter after half-term. The Holocaust?
