Thursday 1 July 2010

Spelling Bee

I am counting down the days till I wave goodbye to my class of 2009/2010. My literacy class are usually pretty bright though (unlike my regular class). This week they had been studying the features of legends. Rainbeaux was writing her own legend about a princess and her pet dog.

Rainbeaux: (to my teaching assistant) Miss, how do you spell Chihuahua?

Teaching assistant: I don’t know, ask Miss Underscore.

Rainbeaux: Miss Underscore, how do you spell Chihuahua?

Me: Err. I'm not sure. Why don’t you choose a different dog to write about. Why don't you choose a dog you can spell.

Rainbeaux: Like what?

Me: Well, how about a pug? Pugs are small like Chihuahuas.

Rainbeaux: (pause) Miss Underscore, how do you spell pug?

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